
More Candidate Profiles: Who Else is Running for Public School Board?

The last few profiles are trickling in. Here are two more candidates for Public School Board....

Subdivision 2
APRIL BOURGEOIS says she's running because she became alarmed to find out her kids were in a school slated for closure and believes the current school board doesn't represent the majority of Reginan's views. Read April's complete profile.
April is running against incumbent Barbara Young and you can read her profile in this post.

Subdivision 4
CHAD BLENKIN says he's running because he believes the school board needs strong leadership to secure our children's future and he has the experience to be a strong candidate for that role. Read Chad's complete profile.
Chad is running against Cindy Anderson and Frederick Rackow. You can read their profiles here.

I anticipate one or two more profiles will come in tonight and tomorrow so be sure to check back for those.

And, if you haven't already, be sure to check out the profiles for the mayoral, city council and Catholic School Board races and the complete list of Public School Board profiles.


Anonymous said...

Remember, if you elect career bureaucrats that's exactly what you'll get: more bureaucracy, more defense of the status quo. Bureaucrats are good at expanding empires, but they aren't very good at being the public's watchdog, which is what we need right now. -
An Interested Observer

Anonymous said...

Career bureaucrats at the school board level? Common on.

At least be educated in your position before making a statement of this nature.

Expanding empires? hmmm.

Could you be speaking the real renewal group possibly who have created a party at the school board level to pass personal agendas?

I've heard you real renewal folks at my door with a statement of that nature.

Kind of reminds me of the "sheep in wolves" campaign that was used by the bureaucrats here for many years. Hmm??????

A very interested observer! A resident and by no means aligned with any of the candidates.