What's that Clucking in your Yard? Vancouver city council voted unanimously to direct staff to examine the feasibility of allowing backyard chicken coops in the city. (CBC)
Tory Tory's Sorry Story: Ontario Conservative Party leader, John Tory, is expected to step down after failing to win his riding in a by election. (CBC)
He's Been Slimed! Scotland Yard is investigating the sliming by environmental activists of UK business secretary, Peter Mandelson. (Guardian)
We Can't Handle the Truth! Another Republican has come out against the idea of investigating the Bush administration. (Huffington Post)
Galileo Gives History the Finger: One of Galileo's fingers is going to be on display in Italy. It's the only remaining piece of his body, and yes, it's the middle one. (Telegraph)
Who Watches the Watchmen? Soon, It'll Be Me! Watchmen is finally out, and here are the
showtimes in Regina. (Warner Bros.)