Even though I'm sitting in a cafe in Ottawa, thanks to the miracle of the electro-interweb, I can still post a preview of this week's thrills and chills at Regina City Hall. Buckle up, kiddo....
Monday, March 23Regina Crime Prevention Commission Meeting (12:25 pm): Considering plans for Crime Prevention Week (May 25 to 30), the commission's 2008 Annual Report and the 2009-2010 Work Plan. Also looking at crime statistics for January 2009. (Crimes against people are up by 34 reported instances or 15.5 per cent compared to Jan '08. There were, however, 267 fewer crimes against property which is a 27.4 per cent reduction.)
City Council (5:30 pm): Considering the concept plan for a development north of the Lakewood subdivision, requests for financial support and tax relief for three affordable housing projects (yay!), and a discretionary use application so that the Grasslands commercial development can go ahead and the parking-lot-ification of the Harbour Landing area can begin. (For more info on Grasslands, read this post
here.) Also of interest are an update on the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant Upgrade project, a request to purchase vehicles for the city's fleet, an update on the city's Infill Housing Strategy and a report detailing a new system for monitoring environmental indicators for residential development.
Wednesday, March 25Board of Police Commissioners Meeting (9 am)Regina Planning Commission (4 pm): Considering an application to rezone a lot in the Gardiner Heights Addition area so that an apartment building can be built there. The address for this is 510 University Ave. If approved and built, the development will yield 150 units. Can't tell if they'll be rental or condo. Either way, it's hard to see a downside to more high density housing. Another nifty tidbit buried in this report is that the city is currently improving the pedestrian infrastructure in and around Quance Street.
As always, full reports and agendas can be download on
the city's website.