1 IRAN'S DOUCHEBAG NUKE MOVE What a shitty past few days it's been for what's supposed to be the coolest middle-eastern country around. First it's revealed that
Iran has a secret nuclear weapons program. Now, the country's
testing long-range missiles. Not surprisingly, the United States is
talking sanctions. Oh, and for bonus fun here's the story of an Iranian prisoner who
says he was tortured and raped by guards. (New York Times)
It's almost like the belligerant and illegitimate (see: this summer's stolen election) leadership is willing to risk a regional war because that'll keep the democracy rioters in line. Plus it's a big "eff-you!" to the U.N., which
largely shunned President (or should that be "President"?) Ahmadinejad last week. (CBC)
2 CUTTING YOUR POWER (BILL) SaskEnergy is expected to announce a
rate reduction today. Good? Yes? (Leader-Post)
3 EMERY INTO EXILE A colourful, convicted Canadian pot merchant is
off to an American gulag because his own stupid country won't let him serve the sentence here. Jeez. Remind me again, how does marijuana being illegal help anyone, anywhere?
4 WHAT'S UP AT SASKTEL? Conflict of interest investigation? Who what where now?
Harrunk? (Leader-Post)
5 FREE THE RAPIST For whatever stupid reason, France and Poland are
leaping to defend of genius filmmaker and evil sexual assaulter Roman Polanski. Dog Blog says do the time, you jerk. (Guardian)
6 TOURIST DEATH TRAP? Two Canadians have apparently been
murdered in Mexico. (Toronto Star)