The Leader-Post's editorial -- oh, hell the whole paper -- was pretty good today.
The editorial -- dressed up with a nice picture of a beggar in Dublin (photo courtesy of the Washington Post because our panhandlers look too scruffy) -- dissed a U of R report on panhandling, saying that 'citizens' have rights too. Oooookay.
The editorial notes that the analysis in the report "hinges on the assumption that panhandlers are in fact poor" as opposed to "freelance hustlers who may not be averse to using physical size or aggressiveness to intimidate others into money, less out of social compassion than out of fear.”
Hmmm. A means test for beggars (why not call them by their correct name?)
I can think of a few politicians and power brokers -- sorry, 'citizens' -- I’d like to test for sincerity, (Brad “No really, I just need one little reactor for isotopes… Can you help me out man?" Wall comes to mind, not to mention whoever wrote that editorial).
Hobo symbol courtesy Wesley Fryer (Flickr)
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