
It Depends on who's getting screwed, I suppose ...

A couple of left-of-the-dial U.S. political blogging sites, The Washington Monthly and Crooks and Liars, are having tons of fun with the latest Republican sex scandal.

Michael Duvall, (Wikipedia) California state representative, a Republican from Orange County (suburban Los Angeles/Anaheim/Disneyland) is one of those 'family values, bible thumpers and gay bashers that are attracted to the American body politic like carrion to vultures. A couple of days ago, it turned out to be open mike night at a Sacramento television station as Duvall talked to a buddy about the joys of fornicating with two other women, neither his wife, and one of whom is an energy lobbyist (Crooks and Liars) and the fun of spanking someone.

It's not for me to say what's kinky and what's not. It's not my business to publicly, or privately, comment on what excites other people sexually. All I know, in the end, is what works for me, and what can get me into trouble. But people such as Duvall have made a political career out of publicly screeching about what is and isn't acceptable sexual conduct between consenting adults and what isn't. The fact that he's the latest in a long line of evangelical hypocrites isn't surprising, or even entertaining. (The Washington Monthly) The fact that he can be so blatant about his hypocrisy, or that his alleged horizontal jogging partner is a lobbyist for legislation he votes on (California State Assembly) , doesn't seem to register on the body politic. Now, if a Democratic member of government did that ...

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