Good news for the many fans of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservative Party today. The
Ottawa Citizen reports that a new Ipsos-Reid poll
puts voter support for the Tories firmly in front of the Liberals, NDP and Greens. If an election were held today, the Conservatives, whose support is at 39 per cent, would be flirting with a majority. But all is not lost. If you're one of the one or two Dog Blog readers who hates the Tories' guts because you think they're a bunch of bigots, morons, radical ideologues and religious lunatics who can barely run a caucus let alone a country, there's hope. A smart person I know points out that the Conservatives are benefiting from the annual politics off-season and without the opportunity for Tory MPs to say insane things in public, politics-bored Canadians will be inclined to support the status quo.
Give Ignatieff the floor in the House of Commons and the NDP a shred of charisma to go with their (secretly) populist policy platform, and Harper will slink back under his bridge. Just wait and see.
Then again maybe my smart guy is wrong and we're all dooooooomed.
1 comment:
So past it. AB/SK need to get out of their bubble, even the casual CP voter who thinks voting Harper represents one for the West. Balderdash. Harper's no more a true western populist patriot than Pat Piacco is an advocate for healthy and vibrant downtown Regina nightlife.
While Ignatieff has floundered, clearly not up to the job unless he gets it handed to him on a platter, Ontario/English Quebec pride in Trudeauism (not Iggyism) will bounce back and deny Harper a 3rd minority.
Besides that, it's just OVER. The cycle had finished. Harper knows it he's practical enough. He's not majority material, he doesn't have the gravitas to turn this thing around. Buddy will be back shopping at the Calgary Ikea as the head of new think tank dedicated to improving the political and social fortunes of nasty high school dweebs as they enter adulthood. By Feb 2011, Peter McKay will be leading the Tories. Harper likes to do things in winter.
Hopefully the NDP can pick up on lagging Lib fortunes in MB and BC.
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