
Six in the Morning

1. CSIS IGNORED KHADR'S HUMAN RIGHTS, SAYS WATCHDOG: A report from the government's Security Intelligence Review Committee says that in 2003 CSIS ignored human rights concerns when they chose to interrogate then-minor Omar Khadr. (Globe and Mail)

2. LOBBYIST CLAIMS NEW ICEAGE A-COMIN': Virtually every glacier in Europe and North and South America is in retreat, but that isn't stopping US lobbyist Robert Felix of iceagenow.com from urging senators to vote against climate change legislation because he believes we're on the verge of another ice age. Felix, by the way, is by his own admission "no scientist" but rather a former architect and also a twit. (desmogblog.com)

3. WHY I HAVEN'T ANY MONEY INVESTED IN... WELL... ANYTHING.... Because guys like Earl Jones can engineer a Ponzi scheme and leave the country with $50 million. Well, there's that and the fact that when the high waters come the booze in my liquor cabinet will be worth more than your mutual funds. (Globe and Mail)

4. ISRAELI SOLDIERS ORDERED TO SHOOT FIRST: Soldiers who served in the Gaza Strip in December and January's offensive admit to being ordered to shoot without hesitation. (Guardian)

5. FARMERS' MARKET OPENS NEW OFFICE: The Regina Farmers' Market is opening an office downtown today. (Leader Post)

6. DARWIN OPENS TIFF: It's the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth and Creation, a movie about the famous naturalist, is opening the Toronto International Film Festival. This is only the third time in the festival's 34-year history that it hasn't opened with a Canadian film. (Leader Post, Globe and Mail)

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