
Monday Night Eco-Rage

Just read a great June 28 article by economist Paul Krugman in the (online) New York Times on a climate change bill the United States House Of representatives passed last week.

It's a furious piece full of the kind of outrage usually monopolized by the Limbaughs, Coulters and O'Reillys--but unlike those bullies' nasty little efforts it has the full intellectual and moral authority of a Nobel Prize winner behind it.

Krugman acuses the climate-change-denying politicians who voted against the bill of treason. His exact words: "And as I watched the deniers make their arguments, I couldn’t help thinking that I was watching a form of treason — treason against the planet."

Oh, grrr! Grrr!

Read the whole thing here. You should check it out so the next time some outside-the-box thinker (or amateur oil-industry apologist) tells you they don't believe in global warming you can politely inform them that their views may amount to crimes against humanity. Which, though harsh, is probably a fair comment at this stage of the north-pole-melting game.

Plus it's a great line to use when a party's getting boring and you want to liven up the conversation. Bonus!

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