
While I'm Proofreading, Revolution Boils...

Iran is exploding. Wow.

A couple quick thoughts before I get back to proofreading the summer guide listings (which are probably perfectly fine and don't even need proofreading): Twitter! So THAT'S what it's for: documenting mass, civil unrest and helping organizers communicate and out-maneuver police, troops and homocidal vigilantes. I have no doubt that "The Man" will get a handle on the technology and find ways to limit it, but it's sure caught Iran's regime off balance this time. But even so, it also shows how hard it is to hold down an educated, technology-equipped population. Modernity, education and a measure of wealth sure can be powerful weapons against tyrants.

Oh, one important point: it is not yet proven that this election was stolen. It looks pretty bad, yes, but we don't know it was rigged for sure. Anyone know if they were using Diebold voting machines?

(Links to the Guardian, The Nation and Wired.)

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