
Leader-Post's Arts Coverage -- or not ...

The General Fools (their home page) are in the midst of their first ever improv comedy act festival, bringing in three troupes from outside the city. (Check the prairie dog that's currently on the stands). The Leader-Post (arts section) doesn't have one line about it that I could find in Thursday's arts section. And at the time I look at their arts section on-line ... there's no locally generated copy at all. Nothing on the Extroverts reunion last night, nothing on General Fools, and the story of Jason Plumb's new record release has already been buried. Regina isn't a very interesting city, artistically, to those who work on the arts section of the city's daily newspaper.

That's what happens when your local newspaper isn't local any more. Just ask the residents of Nanton, Alberta. (Toronto Sun Family)


Emmet Matheson said...

The L-P's local arts coverage is almost entirely freelancer-driven, or at least it was for the five years I was writing for former Entertainment Co-Ordinator Nick Miliokas. Nick never turned down a pitch, and I was never wanting for for story ideas or leads.
But it's no small effort to keep on top of the wide and woolly local arts scene, and I'm sure freelance rates haven't increased since 2001, so it kind of takes a maniac to even try.

Saskboy said...

I'm a maniac, I could do it. Unfortunately, I have a job, and write for free instead.