Leader-Post is reporting that a Regina police officer
drove over a bunch of ducklings this weekend. And a heartbroken eyewitness says it was avoidable.
I know accidents happen when animals wander onto the road but, Jesus Christ, driving over ducklings?
Bad decision and terrible PR for police. Boo!
I can't imagine anything worse.
Except maybe that soldier in Afghanistan who supposedly threw a live puppy from the top of a cliff.
Wait a minute ... does participating in military-type forces cause people to become cruel and devoid of empathy?
Or is that like asking which came first, the duck or the egg?
Driving down a highway years ago, me and my family saw a family of squashed raccoons on the side of the road. Commenting on it later to a Highways person who shall remain nameless, he said, "Yeah, beautiful site, wasn't it?" Considering the damage those raccoons do, it's not a completely atrocious paradigm. Although ducks don't hurt anyone unless they are named Donald.
I've seen more than one flat squirrel in the city this year, and can't say I shed a tear.
Totally, Saskboy.
This one time I saw a kid nail a live cat to a tree on Halloween, but it didn't bother me because it wasn't my cat, and stray cats are a nuisance anyway.
Okay, I'm calling bullshit on Pasqua. I don't believe the story. I think it's trolling/creating urban legends/attempting to terrorize our blog readers.
However, on the off chance it's true, wow, then that's really horrible and I'm sorry for Pasqua's situation. What Pasqua's saying is she/he's comfortable with sadism and crime as long as it doesn't happen to him/her. Not good. Not healthy. Not happy. Get councilling.
Steve, Steve, Steve... Irony alert!
Now that that's off my plate, I'm going to throw my cat out the window. She is my cat. I just don't like her.
Carle, you can throw your cat out the window AFTER you've filed your stories this issue.
I never considered the possibility Pasqua's post might just be sarcasm. That would be better than evil, for sure.
Be sure to attach a bit of buttered toast, butter up, to the cat's tummy first. That way it will just spin in air, never landing in a parodox of cat not landing on feet, and buttered toast not landing butter side down.
This will give you time to descend, and catch the cat safely. Try it.
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