
The nuclear blackout

When you read the comments on the CBC story, you know the Sask Party trolls got their talking points for the day from KKKate at smalldeadanimals or something or other. It's all the NDP's fault, and the gomer who blacked out the documents on the nuclear debate was a secret agent of the Lingenfelter and the NDP.

Give me an effin' break.

People who work in a conservative government bureaucracy do NOT do anything -- right down to bowel movements -- without getting their political masters' permission. This isn't the Tommy Douglas civil service, who were expected to come up with innovative programs and ideas. You work for us, bucko. You do what we say you should do. And if you don't like it, there's the effin' door. Don't let your socialist butt hit it on the way out -- don't damage government property.