
More On The Socialist Scourge

The 13 people who bravely follow this under-promoted and half-assed blog might recall this post of mine, where I talked about American conservatives' recent obsession with the word "socialism". The Rush Coulters and Ann Limbaughs and Mike Yuckabees keep invoking the term with horror in reference to Obama's attempts (which might not work anyway) to prop up their failing little country's deflated economy.

But while conservatives lurk by their cauldrons and chant "socialism!" "socialism!" like a coven of senile witches trying to remember how to cast a curse, reasonable people understand what the wildly-popular U.S. president's actions actually are: disaster relief for an economy that was derailed by the delusional behaviour of its leading investors, CEOs, politicians and apologists.

Enough of these socialist slurs (Salon). Barack Obama isn't a socialist and his administration's massive investment in the U.S. economy isn't socialism. But don't take my word for it. Here's a Washington Post article by Harold Meyerson that lays out the isms and schisms of socialism, and explains why Obama isn't anyone's comrade. A sample:

"But in the United States, conservatives have never bashed socialism because its specter was actually stalking America. Rather, they've wielded the cudgel against such progressive reforms as free universal education, the minimum wage or tighter financial regulations. Their signal success is to have kept the United States free from the taint of universal health care. The result: We have the world's highest health-care costs, borne by businesses and employees that cannot afford them; nearly 50 million Americans have no coverage; infant mortality rates are higher than those in 41 nations -- but at least (phew!) we don't have socialized medicine."

It's smart, fun stuff!

1 comment:

The Mouth Journal said...

I had the displeasure of watching a little CNBC yesterday morning...Christ. You have two free-marketeers, who've likely never created a dollar's worth of value in their lives, ganging up on the one Centrist Democrat, while the fembot anchorwoman panders to "wealth and power".

Like, just what the hell do these wanna-be freemarketeers want Obama to do? Let their precious Capitalist economy collapse? Capitalism cannot survive w/o government help, that much is now painly obvious.

Right now, the parasite is Capitalism and the host is government/the public; we have the parasite criticizing the host for being too generous. WTF??! It makes no sense, but as people should know by now, capitalist dwarfs never lay off, work the refs to the end. Obama can't very well let the economy die, but I wish he and the pink tutu Democrats would just tell them SHUT THE F*CK UP AND SIT THE F*CK DOWN and go earn an honest living.