
Rosie's alternate top six

1. Meet the Regina Pats' latest fall guy. (Leader-Post)

2. Mr. T. At Wrigley Field. Singing. Hide the children. (Total Pro Sports)

3. Access Communications explains why CTV's Save Local TV campaign is full of it. (CJME)

4. The Regina Chamber of Commerce is pressuring for a nuclear reactor the same way a spoiled brat is screaming for a pony for Christmas (CJME). In lieu of a big long post about how the Regina Chamber of Commerce is made up of people with no business sense at all, I introduce you to our latest Type-O-Wiener winner's blog (SaskBoy).

5. About a week ago, the U.S. government made a big splash about arresting guys who were going to launch terrorism acts against Jews in the New York area. Turns out that not only the whole plot was bunk, but the main informant made his statements so the FBI could pay for his health insurance. (NY Daily News via Crooks and Liars)

6. Iggy doesn't like the EI program that the Liberals created, and Stephen Harper thinks people who lose their jobs are whiny sucky-babies. Prepare for another Thanksgiving election. (Globe and Mail)

1 comment:

Saskboy said...

Business man must be slang for "some guy who knows how to make OTHER people pay for what he wants"? Because the Saskatchewan tax payer is going to bend over a lot further than any previous government initiative like Spudco.